Friday, January 29, 2010

Part I. Chapter III: Creation and the Angels

22. How did God make the world?
God created the world, that is, He made it out of nothing.
23. Why did God make the world?
God made the world for his own glory and for man's use and benefit.
24. Which are the chief creatures of God?
The chief creatures of God are angels and men.
25. What are angels?
Angels are pure spirits, created by God for his glory and for his service.
26. What gifts did God give the angels, when He created them?
When God created the angels, He gave them very great knowledge, power and grace.
27. Did the angels remain faithful to God?
Some of the angels remained faithful to God; others, through pride, rebelled against Him.
28. How did God reward the angels who remained faithful?
God rewarded the angels who remained faithful by giving them the happiness of heaven for ever.
29. Do the good angels help us?
The good angels help us by praying for us and by acting as our guardians.
30. Has each of us a guardian angel?
Each of us has a guardian angel, who prays for him, protects him from harm and helps him to do good.
31. How did God punish the angels who rebelled?
God punished the angels who rebelled by condemning them to the everlasting pains of hell.
32. Who is the leader of the bad angels?
The leader of the bad angels is called Satan or the Devil.
33. Do the Devil and his angels try to harm us?
The Devil and his angels try to harm us, chiefly by tempting us to sin. (I Pet. v, 8).

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