138. What is the Church?
The Church is the visible society founded by Christ Himself, to continue on earth his work of teaching, sanctifying and ruling mankind, for their eternal salvation.
139. To whom did Christ give power to govern his Church?
Christ gave to St. Peter and the other apostles and to their lawful successors the power to teach, sanctify and rule the members of his Church.
140. Did Christ found only one Church?
Jesus Christ founded only one Church, for he declared: there shall be one fold and one Shepherd (John x, 16).
141. Did Christ give to his Church any marks by which it can be clearly known?
Yes, Christ gave his Church four marks: He intended his Church to be one, holy, catholic and apostolic (John x, 16; Eph. v, 25-27; Matt. xxiv, 14; Eph. ii, 20).
142. Which of the many bodies claiming to be the Church is the one true Church founded by Christ?
The Catholic Church is the one true Church founded by Christ, because it alone has the four marks of the true Church.
143. How is the Catholic Church one?
The Catholic Church is one, because all its members profess the same faith, have the same sacrifice and sacraments, and obey the same visible head on earth.
144. How is the Catholic Church holy?
The Catholic Church is holy, because its doctrines, sacraments and sacrifice enable men to become holy, and because so many of its members have been eminent for holiness in all ages.
145. How is the Catholic Church catholic or universal?
The Catholic Church is catholic or universal, because by its nature it is not limited to any nation, but has existed in every age, and has spread throughout the world.
146. How is the Catholic Church apostolic?
The Catholic Church is apostolic, because it traces its origin to the apostles, is governed by their succesors and teaches their doctrine.
147. Are these four marks to be found in any other body claiming to be the Church of Christ?
No: these four marks are found only in the Catholic Curch: other bodies are divided among themselves in faith and worship, or have not the means of holiness, or are not catholic or apostolic.
148. Must everyone belong to the Catholic Church?
Everyone must belong to the Catholic Church, and no one can be saved who, through his own fault, remains outside it.
149. Who are the members of the Catholic Church?
The members of the Catholic Church are all baptised persons who profess the faith it proposes, partake of its sacrifice and sacraments and are governed by the Pope and the Bishops united with him.
150. Will the Church last to the end of the world?
The Church will last to the end of the world, because Christ has promised that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, and that He will be with it all days, even to the end of the world (Matt. xvi, 18; xviii, 20).
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