Monday, January 17, 2011


282. Are we bound by any other commandments besides the ten commandments of God?
Besides the ten commandments of God, we are also bound by the commandments of the Church, which are chiefly six.
283. Which are the chief commandments of the Church?
The chief commandments of the Church are:
First: To hear Mass on Sundays and holy-days of obligation.
Second: To fast and abstain on the days appointed.
Third: To confess our sins at least once a year.
Fourth: To receive worthily the Blesses Eucharist at Easter time.
Fifth: To contribute to the support of our pastors.
Sixth: To observe the marriage laws of the Church.
284. Who gave the Church the power to make commandments?
Christ gave the Church the power to make commandments when He said to his apostles: Whatsoever you shall bid upon earth shall be bound also in heaven (Matt. xviii, 18).
285. Has the Church power to dispense in her commandments?
The Church has power to dispense in her commandments, because the spiritual good of her children sometimes requires it (Luke xiii, 15; Matt. xvi. 19).
286. Repeat the first commandment of the Church?
The first commandment of the Church is: to hear Mass on Sundays and holy-days of obligation.
287. What sin do they commit who do not assist at Mass on a Sunday or holy-day of obligation?
They who, through their own fault, do not assist at Mass on a Sunday or holy-day of obligation commit a mortal sin.
288. Why were holy-days instituted by the Church?
Holy-days were instituted by the Church to recall to our minds the great mysteries of religion and the virtues and rewards of the saints.
289. Are we bound to abstain from unnecessary servile work on holy-days?
We are bound to abstain from unnecessary servile work on holy-days, except where lawful custom has removed the obligation.
290. Repeat the second commandment of the Church?
The second commandment of the Church is: to fast and abstain on the days appointed.
291. What are fast days?
Fast days are days on which we are allowed to eat only one full meal.
292. Is any other food allowed on fast days beside the one full meal?
Besides the one full meal we are also allowed a smaller meal in the morning and the evening, in accordance with approved custom.
293. Who are bound to observe fast days?
All those between the ages of twenty-one and sixty are bound to observe fast days, unless they are excused or dispensed.
294. On what days are we bound to fast?
We are bound to fast on the weekdays of Lent, the Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays of Quarter-Tense, and certain vigils.
295. What are days of abstinence?
Days of abstinence are days on which we are forbidden the use of flesh-meat and its products.
296. Who are bound to observe days of abstinence?
Those who have completed their seventh year are bound to observe days of abstinence.
297. Why does the Church command us to fast and abstain?
The Church commands us to fast and abstain, in order that, by mortifying ourselves, we may do penance for our sins and be better able to control our passions.
298. Why does the Church appoint Friday as a day of abstinence?
The Church appoints Friday as a day of abstinence to remind us of our Saviour's death on Good Friday.

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