Friday, February 26, 2010

Part I, Chapter IX. The Holy Ghost and Grace

111. Did Christ make any special promise to his apostles before he ascended into heaven?
Before He ascended into heaven, Christ promised his apostles that He would send the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of truth, to teach them all things, and to abide with them forever (John xiv, 16, 26).
112. On what day did the Holy Ghost descend on the apostles?
On Pentecost or Whit Sunday, ten days after the Ascension, the Holy Ghost descended on the apostles in the form of tongues of fire (Acts ii, 2-4).
113. Why did Christ send the Holy Ghost?
Christ sent the Holy Ghost to teach and strengthen his apostles, and to guide and sanctify his Church until the end of time.
114. How does the Holy Ghost guide and sanctify the Church?
The Holy Ghost guides and sanctifies the Church by dwelling in it, by enlightening its rulers, and by making its members holy through the gift of grace.
115. What is grace?
Grace is a supernatural gift bestowed on us by God for our salvation.
116. How many kinds of grace are there?
There are two kinds of grace, sanctifying grace and actual grace.
117. What is sanctifying grace?
Sanctifying grace is that grace which makes the soul holy and pleasing to God, and confers on it a new and supernatural life which makes it share in the nature of God Himself (II. Peter i,4).
118. What other effects has sanctifying grace?
Sanctifying grace makes us the adopted children of God, the temples of the Holy Ghost and heirs to the kingdom of heaven.
119. Is sanctifying grace necessary for salvation?
Sanctifying grace is necessary for salvation, for without it we are the enemies of God and have not a right to the kingdom of heaven.
120. What is actual grace?
Actual grace is a special help given to us by God to do good acts and avoid sin.
121. Is actual grace necessary for salvation?
Actual grace is necessary for all who have reached the use of reason, for without it we can do nothing to merit heaven.
122. What are the principal means of obtaining grace?
The principal means of obtaining grace are prayer and the sacraments.
123. Can we merit grace and a heavenly reward?
Provided we are in the state of grace, we can, by our good works, merit an increase of grace and eternal life (I. Cor. x, 31)

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