73. What is meant by the Incarnation?
The Incarnation means that God the Son, the second person of the Blessed Trinity, became man.
74. Why did God the Son become man?
God the Son became man to redeem us from sin, and to restore to us the life of divine grace.
75. Did God the Son become man soon after the fall of our first parents?
God the Son did not become man for thousands of years after the fall of our first parents.
76. In what condition was mankind before the Incarnation?
Before the incarnation, mankind was steeped in idolatry, ignorance of the true religion and vice (Rom. i, 21-32).
77. How could they be saved who lived before the Incarnation?
They who lived before God the Son became man could be saved by believing in the Redeemer to come and by keeping the law of God.
78. How did God the Son become man?
God the Son became man by taking a body and soul like ours, in the chaste womb of the Virgin Mary, by the power of the Holy Ghost (Luke i, 35).
79. On what day did the Son of God become man?
God the Son became man on the day of the Annunciation, about two thousand years ago.
80. Why is the day of the Annunciation so called?
The day of the Annunciation is so called, because on that day the angel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary: Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus (Luke i, 31).
81. What is the meaning of the word Jesus?
The word Jesus means Saviour; and this name was given to the Son of God made man, because He was to save his people from their sins (Matt. i, 21).
82. Why is Jesus also called Christ?
Jesus is called Christ, that is, the Anointed, because he was the anointed redeemer promised by God.
83. What do we believe Jesus Christ to be?
We believe Jesus Christ to be true God and true man.
84. Who is the Father of Jesus Christ?
God is the Father of Jesus Christ: St. Joseph was his foster-father or guardian.
85. Is the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of God?
The Blessed Virgin Mary is the mother of God, because Jesus Christ her son is truly God.
86. On what day was Jesus Christ born?
Jesus Christ was born on Christmas day in a stable at Bethlehem.
87. How long did Christ live on earth?
Christ lived on earth about thirty-three years and led a most holy life, in poverty and suffering.
88. How did Christ spend the early years of his life on earth?
Until He was about thirty, Christ lived in subjection to his parents at Nazareth, and helped by his labours to provide for the needs of the home.
89. How did Christ spend the last years of his life?
Christ spent the last years of his life preaching to the people, instructing his apostles and disciples, healing the sick and working many other miracles.
90. Did Jesus Christ claim to be God?
Yes, Jesus claimed to be truly God, and proved his claim by the wonderful miracles which He worked (John v, 36-38).
91. Who were the disciples of Jesus?
The disciples of Jesus were the men and women who believed in Him.
92. Who were the apostles of Jesus?
The apostles were the twelve men specially chosen by our Divine Lord to preach his doctrine to mankind.
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