Sunday, November 14, 2010


258. What is the seventh commandment of God?
The seventh commandment of God is: Thou shalt not steal.
259. What is forbidden by the seventh commandment?
The seventh commandment forbids us to take, keep or to damage unjustly what belongs to another.
260. What is commanded by the seventh commandment?
We are commanded by the seventh commandment to be honest in all our dealings with others, to pay our lawful debts, and to give every one his own.
261. What are they bound to do who have injured, or stolen, or who unjustly keep the property of others?
They who have injured, or stolen, or who unjustly keep the property of others, are bound to repair the injury or restore the property.
262. What is eighth commandment of God?
The eighth commandment of God is: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
263. What is forbidden by the eighth commandment?
The eighth commandment forbids us to tell lies, to injure our neighbour's character, or to make known his secrets.
264. Is a lie always sinful?
A lie is always sinful, and nothing can excuse it; it is a mortal sin, when it does serious injury to our neighbour.
265. What sins injure our neighbour's character?
Our neighbour's character is injured chiefly by the sins of rash judgment, calumny and detraction.
266. What is rash judgment?
Rash judgment is the sin committed by those who, without sufficient reason, believe something injurious to another's character.
267. What is calumny?
Calumny is the sin committed by those who, by lying statements, injure the good name of another.
268. What is detraction?
Detraction is the sin committed by those who, without sufficient reason, make known the hidden faults of another.
269. Why are we obliged to keep secrets?
We are obliged to keep secrets, because the interest of our neighbour and the public good require it.
270. What must they do who have injured their neighbour's character?
They who have injured their neighbour's character must restore his good name, and repair any other injury done him.
271. What is commanded by the eighth commandment?
We are commanded by the eighth commandment to speak the truth in all things, especially in what concerns our neighbour.
272. What is the ninth commandment of God?
The ninth commandment of God is: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife.
273. What is forbidden by the ninth commandment?
The ninth commandment forbids all deliberate pleasure in impure thoughts, and all deliberate consent to impure desires.
274. What should one do when tempted by impure thoughts or desires?
A person tempted by impure thoughts or desires should at once pray for grace to resist them, turn his mind to good thoughts, and occupy himself with useful activities.
275. What is the tenth commandment of God?
The tenth commandment of God is: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods.
276. What is forbidden by the tenth commandment?
The tenth commandment forbids all envy and jealousy of our neighbour's good fortune and position.
277. To how many commandments may the ten commandments be reduced?
The ten commandments may be reduced to the two great commandments of charity, namely: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind; and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself (Matt. xxii, 37-39).
278. How do we show our love for God?
We show our love for God by keeping his commandments. If you love Me, says Christ, keep my commandments (John xiv, 15).
279. Who is my neighbour?
My neighbour is all mankind, even those who injure me, or differ from me in religion.
280. How are we to love our neighbour as ourselves?
We are to love our neighbour as ourselves according to the golden rule of charity, given us by Our Lord: As you would that men should do to you, do you also to them in like manner (Luke vi, 31).
281. Are we obliged to love our enemies?
We are obliged to love our enemies. Love your enemies, says Christ, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you (Matt. v, 44).

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