Saturday, February 5, 2011


434. What are sacramentals?
Sacramentals are certain objects and actions which the Church uses, in imitation of the sacraments, to obtain from God spiritual and temporal favours.
435. How do sacramentals obtain from God spiritual and temporal favours?
Sacramentals obtain spiritual and temporal favours through the prayers of the Church, and through the acts of devotion which their use inspires.
436. What are the principal favours obtained by sacramentals?
The principal favours obtained by sacramentals are: actual graces, forgiveness of venial sin, remission of the temporal punishment due to forgiven sin, protection against evil spirits, restoration of bodily health, and other temporal blessings.
437. What are the principal kinds of sacramentals?
The principal kinds of sacramentals are consecrations, blessings, exorcisms, and objects blessed by the Church for the use of the faithful.
438. What are the principal consecrations and blessings?
The principal consecrations and blessings are those by which the Church sets aside entirely for religious uses certain things, such as churches, cemeteries and chalices.
439. What are the principal blessings used by the Church to obtain for us spiritual and temporal favours?
The principal blessings used by the Church for the benefit of the faithful are: blessings of the sick, the nuptial blessing, the blessing of a mother after childbirth, and the blessings of houses, food, crops, animals and machinery.
440. What are exorcisms?
Exorcisms are solemn prayers and ceremonies used by the Church to restrain or expel evil spirits.
441. What are the principal objects blessed by the Church for the use of the faithful?
The principal objects blessed by the Church for the use of the faithful are water, palms, ashes, crucifixes, medals, rosaries and scapulars.
442. What are sacred ceremonies?
Sacred ceremonies are actions and words used by the Church to express our worship of God, to prepare the faithful for the proper reception of the sacraments, and to obtain special favours.
443. Which are the principal ceremonies?
The principal ceremonies are those of the Mass and the sacraments, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, the reception and profession of religious, sacred processions, and the burying of the dead.

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