196. What is forbidden by the first commandment?
The first commandment forbids all sins against faith, hope and charity and other duties of religion.
197. How does a person sin against faith?
A person sins against faith by not believing the truths revealed by God, by not learning them, by denying them, or by not professing them openly.
198. What does Christ say of those who deny his teaching?
Christ says: He that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven. (Matt. x, 33).
199. When are we bound to profess our faith openly?
We are bound to profess our faith openly, as often as God's honour, our own spiritual good, or the good of our neighbour requires it.
200. Are we bound to avoid dangers to faith?
Yes, we are bound under pain of sin to avoid dangers to faith.
201. What are the principal dangers to faith?
The principal dangers to faith are: attendance at non-catholic worship or schools, marriage with non-catholics, and books or companions hostile to the Church or its teaching.
202. What are the sins against hope?
The sins against hope are despair and presumption.
203. What is despair?
Despair is the refusal to trust in God for the graces necessary for salvation.
204. What is presumption?
Presumption is a foolish expectation of salvation without making use of the means necessary to obtain it.
205. What are the principal sins against charity?
The principal sins against charity are hatred of God or of our neighbour, and the sin of scandal.
206. What is scandal?
By scandal is meant any word, act or omission, which tends to lead another into sin.
207. What else is forbidden by the first commandment?
The first commandment also forbids idolatry, superstition and sacrilege.
208. What is idolatry?
Idolatry is the sin of giving to a creature the supreme worship of adoration, which is due to God alone.
209. Is it lawful to honour the angels and saints and to pray to them?
It is lawful to honour the angels and saints and to pray to them, because they are the friends of God, and can help us by their powerful intercession with Him.
210. Should we honour the Blessed Virgin more than any other saint?
We should honour the Blessed Virgin more than all the angels and saints, because she is the Mother of God.
211. Is it lawful to honour the crucifix, holy images and relics?
It is lawful to honour the crucifix, holy images and relics, because , in honouring them we honour Christ and his saints, whom they recall to our minds.
212. What is superstition?
Superstition is any express or implied appeal to the Devil for his help.
213. What are the chief kinds of superstition?
The chief kinds of superstition are magic, charms, spells, fortune-telling and spiritualism.
214. What is sacrilege?
It is sacrilege to violate the sacred character of a person, place or thing consecrated to God.
Monday, July 26, 2010
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