Saturday, October 9, 2010


234. What is the fourth commandment of God?
The fourth commandment of God is: Honour thy father and thy mother.
235. What is commanded by the fourth commandment?
We are commanded by the fourth commandment to love, honour and obey our parents.
236. How are we to love our parents?
We are to love our parents by wishing them well, by being kind to them in word and deed, and by helping them in their necessities.
237. How are we to honour our parents?
We are to honour our parents by treating them always with respect, by showing gratitude to them and by bearing patiently with their faults and weaknesses.
238. How are we to obey our parents?
We are to obey our parents while under their care by doing readily what they command, provided it be not sinful.
239. What are the chief duties of parents?
The chief duties of parents are: to provide for their children, to watch over and correct them, and by instruction and good example to lead them to God.
240. Does the fourth commandment oblige us to respect and obey others besides our parents?
Besides our parents, the fourth commandment obliges us to respect and obey all our lawful superiors, both spiritual and temporal.
241. What are the chief duties of employers?
The chief duties of employers are: to pay their employees a just wage, to treat them kindly as brothers in Christ, and to help them to observe their moral and religious duties.
242. What are the chief duties of employees?
The chief duties of employees are: to work honestly, to obey the lawful commands of their employer, and to safeguard his property when committed to their care.
243. What are our chief duties as citizens?
Our chief duties as citizens are: to love and serve our country, and to respect and obey the lawful government.
244. How do we love and serve our country?
We love and serve our country principally by observing its laws, defending its rights, voting honestly, and paying just taxes.
245. Why should we respect and obey the lawful government?
We should respect and obey the lawful government, because its authority comes from God.
246. Is it sinful to join a society that plots against the lawful government?
Yes, it is a mortal sin to join a society that plots to overthrow by force or other sinful measures the lawful government.
247. What are the chief duties of those who hold public office?
The chief duties of those who hold public office are: to be just and impartial, and to promote the general welfare.
248. What is the fifth commandment of God?
The fifth commandment of God is: Thou shalt not kill.
249. What is forbidden by the fifth commandment?
The fifth commandment forbids murder and suicide, and all other acts that inflict bodily injury on ourselves or on others.
250. What else is forbidden by the fifth commandment?
The fifth commandment also forbids drunkenness, quarrelling, anger and revenge, because they lead to injury of ourselves or of others.
251. What are they bound to do who have caused bodily injury to others?
They who have inflicted bodily injury on others are bound to make good the loss they have caused.
252. What are we commanded by the fifth commandment?
We are commanded by the fifth commandment to take reasonable care to preserve our own life and health, and to avoid causing bodily injury to others.
253. What is the sixth commandment?
The sixth commandment is: Thou shalt not commit adultery.
254. What is the purpose of the sixth commandment?
The purpose of the sixth commandment is to safeguard the sanctity of marriage and to maintain right conduct between men and women.
255. What is forbidden by the sixth commandment?
The sixth commandment forbids not only adultery, but all looks, words and actions against the virtue of chastity.
256. What are the chief dangers to chastity?
The chief dangers to chastity are: idleness, intemperance, bad companions, improper dances, immodest dress, company-keeping and indecent conversation, books, plays and pictures.
257. What are the chief means of preserving chastity?
The chief means of preserving chastity are: to be modest in our dress and conduct, to avoid the occasions of sin, to cultivate devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and above all to seek the help of God through prayer and the sacraments.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Part II. Chapter XVII. The Second and Third Commandments of God

215. What is the second commandment of God?
The second commandment of God is: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
216. What is forbidden by the second commandment?
The second commandment forbids us to speak with irreverence of God or his saints, or of sacred persons and things.
217. What is commanded by the second commandment?
We are commanded by the second commandment to speak with reverence of God and of his saints, and of sacred persons and things, and to keep our lawful oaths and vows.
218. How should we use the name of God?
We should always use the name of God we had great respect and reverence.
219. What is a vow?
A vow is a binding promise made to God to do something that is especially pleasing to him.
220. What is an oath?
An oath is the calling of God to witness that what we say is true, or that we will do what we promise.
221. When the is an oath lawful?
For an oath to be lawful we must have sufficient reason for taking it, and we must say only what is true, or promise only what is lawful.
222. What are the chief sins against the second commandment?
The chief sins against the second commandment are blasphemy, perjury and cursing.
223. What is blasphemy?
It is blasphemy to express contempt of God, or of sacred persons or things in so far as they are dedicated to God.
224. What is perjury?
It is perjury to take a false oath, that is, to swear to be true what we know to be false.
225. Is perjury a great sin?
Perjury is a most grevious sin, because it is a great insult to God to call him as witness to a lie.
226. What is cursing?
It is cursing to call on God to inflict evil on any person or thing.
227. What is the third commandment of God?
The third commandment of God is: Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day.
228. What day is now the sabbath day?
The Church has appointed Sunday to be the sabbath or the Lord's day, because it was on Sunday that Our Lord rose from the dead, and the Holy Ghost descended on the apostles.
229. How are we to keep holy the Lord's day?
The Church commands us to keep holy the sabbath day by attending Mass and abstaining from servile work.
230. What is servile work?
Servile work is that which requires labour of body rather than of mind.
231. Is it ever lawful to engage in servile work on Sunday?
It is lawful to engage in servile work on Sunday, when an urgent need of ourselves or our neighbour, or the service of God requires it.
232. Are we recommended to perform other good works on Sunday?
We are recommended to sanctify the Lord's day by such good works as attending evening devotions, reading religious books and papers, and visiting the sick.
233. Is it lawful to take part in games and other amusements on Sunday?
It is lawful to take part in other games and amusements on Sundays, provided they do not interfere with assistance at Mass, and are not forbidden by God or his Church.